Gallai rhywun rydych chi'n ei adnabod fod yn gyfatebiaeth berffaith i glaf sydd angen trawsblaniad mêr esgyrn. Lledaenwch y neges cliciwch yma.

General FAQs

Here's a selection of the most common questions we receive.

You can find your nearest clinic by clicking yma and following the on screen instructions.

We’ll also take you through some basic questions ahead of booking your lifesaving appointment!

You’ll find more information about the criteria in place for giving blood yma.

There are rules set in place, but it’s not as restrictive as you may think! Or take our interactive eligibility quiz yma.

Can’t find an answer on the website? Contact us yma.

If you are unsure about when you last gave blood please let us know your Donor ID, or your: full name, DOB and postcode.

Cysylltwch â ni yma.

We’ll use this information to let you know!

Great that you’re ready to make a first donation, giving blood is actually easy to do.

Just click yma and follow the steps to book your first lifesaving donation.

Safety of our donors, staff and patients continues to be our number one priority.

We’ve made lots of changes including:
– Introducing social distancing to all our donation sessions (including the removal of our donation vehicles)
– Triaging donors and staff on arrival at a donation session
– Reducing the number of donors on session at any one time
– Introducing PPE for staff

Cliciwch yma neu cysylltwch â ni for more information.

If you need to update your contact details or let us know about a change in your eligibility, please let us know your Donor ID, or your: full name, DOB and postcode.

Cysylltwch â ni yma.

We’ll use this information to let you know!